Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Come see how the vampires do it!

Saw it on TCM last night....didn't have anything else going on, and heard it was playing via a horror geek message board where I sometimes lurk.

I'm way too young to have caught the show other than through home video, and am probably going to go through the whole thing on Netflix. I remember being amused in the old days that Barnabas seemed to spend most of his time punishing Willie Loomis, and also that it was live and sometimes they'd flub lines and one time Barnabas was attacked by a fly.

The movie wasn't that great, very choppy and as the writer Tim Lucas puts it, "seems like it was edited by a chainsaw." I didn't mind it that much, it was good to put on while I was fooling around on the laptop. Love that dayglo red blood in HD!

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