Sunday, February 5, 2012

Battle: Los Angeles

More like Retreat: Los Angeles. My friend who played this for me said it reminded him of Independence Day, but this is on a much smaller scale, with most of the big stuff being shown through television broadcasts. A Marine regiment is charged with rescuing civilians from L.A. after an alien attack. It's a race against time as the Air Force is about to bomb the place. Of course they pick up a few civilians and some stranded members of other military units, and they end up finding a way to attack the alien command post.

It was strange in many don't really see much of the aliens who look more robotic, other than one scene where they find one of the creatures and try to determine its vulnerabilities. But it was really just 30 minutes of set up, 45 minutes of them trying to get away, and then 45 minutes of fighting back. The cast was small and not a whole lot really happens as far as the big scale of things.

I've noticed this about many of the bigger films of recent years. They build the entire film around something that would probably have just been a single sequence or two if it had been from a film during the 80s and 90s. The last Indiana Jones film was the same way, basically an extended jungle chase scene that took up most of the movie and might have amounted to maybe 15-20 minutes of one of the older films, but here it's pumped full of air and becomes the entire thing.

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