Sunday, January 22, 2012

Intruder Trailer

Look out, the trailer ruins the ending!

Realized I messed up and posted this to my old blog. Anyway, saw this on Thursday evening [I believe.] This was a movie I'd heard about for years and couldn't see in its uncut version, but now it's on Blu-Ray and has the "honor" of being the first Blu disc I've bought for a movie I haven't seen.

It's a little slow--they do a lot of "story development" involving the supermarket that is about to close. The slasher film isn't my favorite genre, but this was fun enough, although it was a little predictable.

It has a big reputation among horror geeks I think because an uncut film was hard to find and it also has the Raimis involved in it.

A lot of my movie buys are "for a rainy day...." There have been a lot of times where I'm in the mood for a movie and end up selecting something I bought years before and never watched. I don't know that this is something I want to watch over and over, but I'm sure I will someday.

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