Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Some other stuff that happened....

Read COLD IN JULY, by Joe R. Lansdale, one of my favorite writers. A man wakes up one night to the sound of an intruder, whom he ends up fatally shooting. The intruder's father, who has just gotten out of prison, swears revenge. But then both men find out things are not what they seem...

That's not that great of a synopsis, but it is a fun little book. I have yet to be disappointed by Joe Lansdale--the first story I read by him was "Night They Missed the Horror Show" which I read at age 16 and basically warped me for life.

I finished a couple of Bill Bryson books. I don't believe I've finished anything else, but have a couple that I am almost done with.

Movies: Watched EASTERN PROMISES again. Also a documentary about Russian prison tattoos called THE MARK OF CAIN. Didn't see much else--we've had some very busy times this month that seem to finally be done with for a while. I'm not doing that good a job at this blog, I guess. Maybe next month will be better. I know I've seen other movies but can't remember much about them. I've had a lot of things I got on Netflix that I just let run in the background while doing something else. I don't think those really count.

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