Friday, March 2, 2012

The Call

WHAT I READ: The Call, by Yannick Murphy.
WHAT IT'S ABOUT: A small town veterinarian who has his son go into a coma after a hunting accident. A lot of other things happen too.
WHY I'M WRITING THIS WAY: The whole book is written like this, as a series of calls the main character gets, although sometimes the calls are not actual phone calls, sometimes it's his wife calling or someone else. Sometimes a call is only metaphorical.
HOW LONG I TOOK TO READ IT: Less than 24 hours, I started yesterday afternoon and finished this morning, probably a few hours total. It's short and the format makes it a quick read.
WHAT I THOUGHT: I really enjoyed it, the first really good book I've read this year that I wanted to keep reading. Interested to see her other books, although somehow I doubt they will be written like this.
OTHER BOOKS I REMEMBER LIKE THIS: The Cardboard Universe was a series of encyclopedic entries with two characters writing them and arguing throughout the footnotes. That particular author [can't remember the name, don't want to look it up] had another novel that had the same non-standard format but I never read it. Really enjoyed that particular book, though, it was a take-off on Philip K. Dick. sort of an alternate-universe where Phoebus K. Dank was an even less successful science fiction author.

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